Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I've never tried
so hard to speak
and found myself
yet unheard.
Look out or you'll die!
You'd think all
would stop at that word,
Die. Dead. Deceased.
With man's fear
of mortality,
he should think
something's afoot.
Surely someone alive
besides me
Feels fear at these
words of fatality.
pronounced like
See a pursa,
is a deadly disease
with several names,
and I'd say it's winning
if we're playing games.
MRSA gets inside
of you
from the person
next to you
in a drop of sweat
or any place wet
can carry it through
to you.
You don't even need a cut
or to have sex
or to share needles,
The Super Bug is uglier
than butt reaming beatles.
and death
to the BUG,
Is the only way to vent
and beat this thug.
I know a woman
who has been
cleanly scalped,
MRSA ate where hair
once grew ~
It was brown
the last I knew ~
Terrifying until it
started on an ear,
I think that's when
she really felt fear.
Most have it
in their skin still
Covering their torsos
at will.
With boils, bumps,
and scars,
covering every inch until
It starts on
the organs inside,
Then it's really
from dying
to has died.
No one here is quarantined,
Few are educated
about it at al,
Some still blame spiders
A microbe just seems
so very small.
Fact is, the AMA made this
And now turn their backs,
on those most
desperately needing aid
from whichever
side of the tracks,
Not nearly enough is done
Neither offense
or defense exists,
Who's targeted? Why, everyone!
I could tell you stories
from sun to sun.
I thought on lady
had it made,
because she was lucky enough
to have medicaid
for meds and to get
admitted for IV antibiotics,
and although a junkie,
they saw her great pain,
Even giving my friend narcotics.
This friend noticed the following
As a regular
daily thing.
The doctors and nurses
masked up
and changed gown,
Yet posted nothing
about MRSA's presence
in our town.
Visotors came and went
with no warning of
the risk they took
home with them,
maybe to you!
Perhaps she's even
your favorite deli's cook.
Her luck went south,
twas her without
the hair now,
and an ear to do without.
With MRSA boils
you may rush to the ER
and say, "Hey Doc!
Look here!"
He looks and backs up
then leans in to peer,
Backs up again and says,
"Spider bite!
You'll soon be out of here."
He explains how it will drain,
and writes you a script,
for a bite
That leaves you unequipped,
To fight the new
Big Bertha,
Plague, Super Bug,
And maybe then you'll see
Part of what it is like
to be me,
Able to picture
how it feels
To be eaten alive
By a Flesh Eating microbe
Who'l eat antibiotics
and thrive.
I fear for those
who turn their backs,
Unless you find
Karma queer
For they could fall
fast and hard,
maybe yet this year!
Until your family
is like me,
Praying for you
with all their might
and you'll all join in
and take up my fight!
because now you have to
When those blind have sight.
Other countries have won,
Locked MRSA out tight!
While ours has not begun
or even admitted
we have a war to be won.
Learn what you can
and share what you know
What we understand we comand
So help our understanding to grow.
And pray for help,
sweating, writhing in contortions,
Aren't we reminded
of plagues
of Biblical proportions?
The Newtherlands have won
the battle with this Beast,
Let us not find
We only did
the very least
that we could have
about a tenth
of what we should have.
Please forgive us
For all the things
we should have
already done.

1 comment:

MASTER said...

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